
Sook Ryeon Park(韓國.Korea)


韓國最活躍的鋼琴演奏家和室內樂演奏家之一。自1993年起擔任美國南卡羅來納州伊利諾大學副教授以來,她的國際職業生涯受到了積極的關注。她在美國,歐洲和亞洲國家(包括韓國、日本、香港、泰國和馬來西亞)舉行了許多音樂會。她於1999年回到祖國韓國,作為Sunchon National University的終身教職,她曾在全國範圍內輔導過許多年輕有抱負的人。她的傑出學生有:2015獲得肖邦國際鋼琴大賽第一名的趙成珍,更廣為人們認識。


since 1993 when she became an Assistant Professor at the Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in the United States. She has performed numerous concerts in the United States, Europe and Asian countries including Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, and Malaysia. She came back to her native country Korea in 1999 and has remained very activeas a performer and teacher. Serving as a tenured faculty of the Sunchon National University, she has tutored many young aspirants across the nation.Among her prominent students, Seong Jin Cho has emerged as a Wunderkind, first prize winning the Chopin International Piano Competition (2015).  

Dr. Park’s academic backgrounds were built in the most prominent institutions in the United States and Korea. She holds both Doctoral and Masters’ degrees from the Eastman School of Music with highest distinction and the Performer’s Certificate. Prior to Eastman education, Park earned a B.A. degree from Seoul National University. In between, she also participated in the Aspen Summer Music Festival, Salzburg Summer Festival, and the Saint Louis Conservatory of Music where she was granted the Artist Certificate.