馬克沁·莫吉列夫斯基Maxim Mogilevsky(俄羅斯)
馬克沁·莫吉列夫斯基(Maxim Mogilevsky)1968年出生於列寧格勒。他畢業于莫斯科國立柴可夫斯基音樂學院,隨後在茱莉亞音樂學院接受訓練,並從1992年起在印第安那大學南本德分校師從瑪爾塔·阿格裡奇(Martha Argerich),成為亞歷山大·托拉澤(Alexander Toradze)的學生和助手。13歲時,他與莫斯科愛樂學院交響樂團在德米特裡·基塔延科的指揮下首次登臺。東京國際鋼琴比賽獲獎者(1989年),他曾在普利托里亞(南非共和國,1992年)、波爾圖(葡萄牙,1995年)、拉赫瑪尼諾夫基金會獎、愛丁堡藝術節天使獎(1997年)和他還和芭蕾舞演員戴安娜·維什涅娃 (Diana Vishneva),阿列克謝·羅曼斯基(Alexei Ratmansky)合作勳伯格的“月迷彼埃羅小丑”(Pierrot Lunaire)獲得了“黃金面具獎”。
馬克沁·莫吉列夫斯基(Maxim Mogilevsky)與馬林斯基交響樂團、紐約愛樂樂團、法國國家管弦樂團、鹿特丹愛樂樂團、東京都交響樂團、斯韋特蘭諾夫交響樂團等合作。也曾與瓦列裡·捷傑耶夫、小澤征爾、傑拉德·施瓦茨、尤裡·巴什梅特、米哈伊爾·普雷特涅夫、讓-克勞德·卡薩德蘇斯、亞歷山大·斯拉德科夫斯基和利夫·塞格斯塔姆等指揮合作。
現在馬克沁·莫吉列夫斯基(Maxim Mogilevsky)在浙江傳媒學院任教。2020年11月,馬克沁獲得了“2020浙江省海外高層次人才引進計畫”獎。馬克沁在任教中國之前,曾任教美國奧伯林音樂學院、美國博林格林州立大學、新英格蘭音樂學院,在波士頓大學、日本靜岡市大學音樂學院擔任客座藝術家,他還被任命為香港藝術學院的客座藝術家,等等。
曾作為南京江蘇大劇院藝術顧問,組織了祖賓·梅塔、瓦列裡·捷吉耶夫、鄧尼斯·馬祖耶夫、安娜·內特雷布科、列奧尼達斯·卡瓦科斯、維也納、慕尼克和紐約愛樂樂團的演出。還組織了鄧尼斯·馬祖耶夫和加索韃靼斯坦樂團2023 年 11 月在中國的合作演出。
馬克沁·莫吉列夫斯基(Maxim Mogilevsky)也多次被邀請為評委,參與了第十七屆柴可夫斯基國際音樂大賽、首屆拉赫瑪尼諾夫國際音樂大賽、哈薩克國際鋼琴大賽,郎朗鋼琴大賽、莫斯科音樂學院國際鋼琴比賽、德克薩斯的索蘭丁音樂比賽、KAWAIA亞洲鋼琴大賽、高天國際鋼琴比賽,等等。
Maxim Mogilevsky was born in Leningrad in 1968. He graduated from the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, subsequently trained at the Juilliard School and, since 1992, studied with Martha Argerich at Indiana University South Bend. Became a student and assistant of Alexander Toradze. At the age of 13, he made his debut with the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Dmitry Kitayenko. Winner of the Tokyo International Piano Competition (1989), he has performed in Pretoria (Republic of South Africa, 1992), Porto (Portugal, 1995), Rachmaninoff Foundation Prize, Edinburgh Festival Angel Prize (1997) and he also performed Schoenberg's "Pierrot Lunaire" with ballet dancers Diana Vishneva and Alexei Ratmansky ) won the "Golden Mask Award".
Maxim Mogilevsky with the Mariinsky Orchestra, New York Philharmonic, Orchester National de France, Rotterdam Philharmonic, Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Svetlanov Symphony Orchestra Also worked with Valery Gergiev, Seiji Ozawa, Gerald Schwartz, Yuri Bashmet, Mikhail Pletnev, Jean-Claude Collaborated with conductors such as Casadesus, Alexander Sladkovsky and Lev Segerstam.
The musician has released an album with the Tokyo String Quartet and Vadim Repin, as well as a CD of Tchaikovsky's works and a series of other CDs. In 2011, Maxim collaborated with Valery Gergiev (Marinsky Records) to record Stravinsky's "Oedipus Rex" and "Our Wedding" and received the International Classical Award Music Awards.
Maxim Mogilevsky now teaches at Zhejiang University of Communication. In November 2020, Maxim won the "2020 Zhejiang Province Overseas High-Level Talent Introduction Plan" award. Before teaching in China, Maxim taught at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Bowling Green State University, and the New England Conservatory of Music in the United States. He also served as a guest artist at Boston University and Shizuoka City University School of Music in Japan. He was also appointed Guest artist at Hong Kong Academy of Arts, etc.
An artistic consultant to the Jiangsu Center for the Performing Arts in Nanjing, organized the performances by Zubin Mehta, Valery Gergiev, Denis Matsuev, Anna Netrebko, Leonidas Kavakos, the Vienna , Munich and New York Philharmonics. Also organized Denis Matsuev and GASO Tatarstan orchestra in China in November 2023,etc.
Maxim Mogilevsky has also been invited as a judge many times, participating in the 17th Tchaikovsky International Music Competition, the First Rachmaninov International Music Competition, Kazakhstan International Piano Competition, Lang Lang Piano Competition, Moscow Conservatory International Piano Competition, Solandin Music Competition in Texas, KAWAIA Asian Piano Competition, Gao Tian International Piano Competition, etc.